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Research Web Tools



These databases are typically published annually in a book with a calendar that includes such as events, phenomena, records, forecasts, or general information. Browse it to see the online version of the books.


A list of data that are sometimes categorized by the type of business or by the geographical area with their location and address, telephone number, email address, and website.


It is detailed information about a person’s life, typically discusses their basic personal facts.


An electronic resource that provides comprehensive or summarized information about distinct topics. Sometimes includes pictures, videos, and related articles for more detailed knowledge.


These resources are easy and fast search that gives origin, meaning, pronunciation, synonym, and antonym of words.


These databases provide different maps and atlases that are electronically available.


Websites that contains specific information about the government and its different agencies to gather and use by its people


These are the electronic version of the country’s broadsheet and online social news platform.

Student Web Tools 


It helps generate references and choose correct citation styles.

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This online software will verify and analyze any documents that may have similar content to avoid plagiarism.

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